Romans 8:1-4
Key Verse: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1)
One of the ways we can become hindered in our pursuit of Jesus is through listening to the voice of condemnation. The voice of condemnation reminds us of how we have messed up. It parades our mistakes. It showcases our sin. It says to us, “Look at what a failure you are. Look at all the ways your life is a mess. You are a disgrace of a Christian. How can you call yourself a follower of Jesus, let alone a leader, when these are all the ways that you have failed? You’re not good enough!” Do you recognize that voice?
There are a couple of things to know about the voice of condemnation. First and foremost, it isn’t the voice of Jesus speaking. It’s the enemy. Satan is the Accuser. It’s his voice attempting to stall our progress in the faith by weighing us down with condemnation and shame. The second thing to know about that voice is that what it is saying is fundamentally true. Apart from Jesus, we’re not good enough. Apart from Jesus, we don’t measure up. If you do a forensic look into each of our lives, there is ample evidence to make the case.
But here’s the good news: When the voice of condemnation tells us that we’re not good enough, Jesus reminds us that in Him we don’t have to be. It’s not about what we’ve done. It’s all about what Jesus has done for us. Jesus Christ is perfectly good. If we have placed our faith in Him, He is now our righteousness. For our sake, God the Father made Jesus, who knew no sin, to be our sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor.5:21). Because of Christ’s work for us on the Cross, as far as the east is from the west, God has now removed our transgressions from us (Psalm 103:12). This is the glorious gospel!
So when the Accuser’s voice of condemnation tries to get in our ear to tell us that we’re not good enough, we can agree with him. But then we can remind him of Jesus and all that He has done for us on the Cross. Our hope is built on nothing less!
Prayer: Father, I praise you today for the finished work of Jesus. Thank you that through faith in what He has accomplished for me through His death and resurrection I can be set free from all shame and condemnation. I pray that you would silence the voice of condemnation in my life as I set my mind on things above and look to Jesus, my hope and my righteousness. Amen.