Mark 9:14-24
Key Verse: Jesus said to him, “If you can’? Everything is possible for the one who believes.” Immediately the father of the boy cried out, “I do believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:23-24 CSB)
In Mark 9, we find the disciples of Jesus disputing with the scribes. A young boy had been brought before them who had an evil spirit. The spirit would often seize the boy and throw him into convulsions, causing him to foam at his mouth, grind his teeth and become rigid. The spirit’s goal was to destroy the boy, as many times it had thrown him into water or fire (v.22).
The father of the boy was no doubt desperate. No one would want to see his child in this condition. However, when he brought his son to the disciples of Jesus, they had tried to drive out the spirit but were unable to do so. So what next?
The disciples brought the boy to Jesus. When Jesus spoke to the boy’s father, the father said to Him, “If you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us” (v.22). Jesus replied, “If I can?” Of course, He could. He had driven out demons previously. He had calmed a storm, miraculously fed thousands of people, and even raised someone from the dead. There was no question in Jesus’ mind of what He could or could not do. His divine power was fully sufficient to drive this evil spirit from the boy.
The father cried out to Jesus, “I do believe; help my unbelief” (v.24). What an honest statement from a man in a desperate situation. He acknowledged to Jesus that he believed that He could help his son. However, he also knew that his faith was weak, limited, and incomplete.
Have you ever felt like that? It’s not that you don’t trust God in a particular moment or situation. It’s just that your faith in Him seems weak and feeble.
As we follow Jesus, there may be times when we encounter a gap between what we know to be true about God and our ability to fully trust in Him in a particular situation. On the one hand, we may accept the truth of all that the Scriptures have to say about God’s goodness, power, and grace. But when our circumstances seem to suggest otherwise, when life feels like it’s coming off the rails, or when we have succumbed to sinful temptation, our faith may feel very weak and limited.
The key in these moments is not to try to muster greater levels of faith in our own strength. Instead, we need to simply turn to Jesus with whatever measure of faith we have and cry out to Him. With honesty and humility, we need to turn and say, “I believe, Jesus. Help my unbelief!” No matter how big or small our faith may seem, as long as it is directed at Jesus, all things are possible.
In what situations or circumstances are you tempted to doubt God’s goodness and power? In what ways do you feel like your faith is weak and fragile? Remember, it’s not on you. It’s about all that Jesus can do if you choose to believe. “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed,” Jesus said, “nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20).
Prayer: Jesus, I believe that all things are possible for the one who believes in you. You hold all the power. There is nothing too hard for you. Where unbelief exists in my heart today, grant me a greater measure of faith to trust you. Help my unbelief! Amen.